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okokok/srv/wordpresses/sinnokokok Johannes Kreuzer – SINN International

Introducing: Johannes Kreuzer

Johannes Kreuzer (cosinuss°)
  • Who are you and what do you do?

    I’m Johannes, founder and CEO of cosinuss°. I’m an engineer and have to develop new things.

  • What is your favorite story about joy of movement?

    Using my bike to go to work and back. It’s good to free my mind after a working day.

  • What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

    Founding a company together with my wife without any money in the parental leave of our first child.

  • What would you tell your younger self?

    Do what you like to do.

  • How can we use joy of movement to change the world?

    Parents have to show their children that movement is fun, makes sense and is the normal way of life.

  • If SINN-i could do one thing, what would it be?

    Increasing the awareness and importance of movement.